As a homemaker, I am in charge of running the household, managing the helpers, planning our meals, and running errands including scheduling grocery and laundry days. And that’s not all of it. With the load of responsibilities, I want to have efficient helping hands at home and reliable outsourced services for cleaning and maintenance of household needs to make our lives more comfortable and give me peace of mind.
While I employ two house helpers who both clean and wash our clothes (for four adults and two kids), I still send out some stuff for laundry and dry-cleaning, such as heavy comforters and jeans. First, we don’t have a washing machine and dryer. Everything is washed by hand, and we like it that way. Our sampayan area lacks space, and there’s no direct sunlight to quickly dry our clothes. That said, we send heavy/bluky items to a nearby laundry shop about three times a month. Then, I was introduced to Suds and was offered to try their services. I’m glad I accepted! =)
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